Legal Notices


The Burnham System, Inc. is not affiliated with and has no connection with The American Institute of Chartered Property Casualty Underwriters (AICPCU), The Insurance Institute of America (IIA), (together known as The Institutes), The Society of Certified Insurance Councilors (CIC) (now known as Risk and Insurance Education Alliance), The National Alliance of Insurance Education and Research, The American College, or The Certified Financial Planner (CFP) Board.


CPCU®, AAI®, AIC®, APA®, AMIM®, and ARe® are registered service marks owned by The American Institute for CPCU and/or the Insurance Institute of America, Malvern, PA.

CFP®, CLU®, ChFC®, CASL®, HS® are registered service marks owned by the Certified Financial Planners Board of Standards, Denver, CO.

CIC® is a registered service mark owned by The National Alliance for Insurance Education & Research, Austin, TX.

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AAI®, AFSB®, AIDA®, AINS®, AMIM®, ANFI®, APA®, API™, SPPA® and AAI-M™, AIAF™, AIC™, AIC-M™, AIM™, AIS™, AIT™, API™, ARC™, ARe™, ARM™, ARM-E™, ARM-P™, ASLI™, AU™, and AU-M™ are registered (®) or unregistered (™) trademarks of the American Institute For Chartered Property Casualty Underwriters, d/b/a The Institutes.  The Burnham System, Inc. is not affiliated or associated with The Institutes in any way, and The Institutes do not endorse, approve, support, or otherwise recognize The Burnham System, Inc. or its products or services.


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