
Insurance Exam Study Guides

We offer two formats addressing your educational objectives:

  • Downloadable Digital Books -- in PDF file format, in nonprintable editions, and, for an upgrade fee, in printable editions as well.
  • Downloadable Audio Assignments -- in MP3 file format, included free whenever you purchase a downloadable digital book.

The Burnham System insurance exam study guides come with bonus materials, including audio narrations, definitions of key terms, a course glossary, and a sample exam.

As a general study guideline: Expect that...

  • Anything in The Burnham System Basic Book might be on your exam.
  • There will be nothing on your exam that is not covered in The Burnham System Basic Book.

Note: Our course study guides, in The Burnham System Bonus Book, contain bonus materials, but bonus materials (audio narrations, definitions, and sample exams) have not been shown to improve pass rates.

We are so proud of The Burnham System, we offer you a free sample for every course study guide (of Assignment 1 in both PDF digital book and MP3 audio formats).
Access your free sample.

If you (think you) learn best by taking sample exams, The Burnham System isn’t likely for you. In that case, we recommend The Institutes’ sample exams.

If you (think you) learn best by watching videos, The Burnham System isn’t likely for you. In that case, we recommend The Institutes’ videos.

But, if you want to pass or if you want to save time, or both, The Burnham System is definitely for you.